Lady Williams

Lady Williams

(OP) Lady Williams is an attractive red flushed apple, with a good balanced sweet/sharp flavor.  Its main characteristics are its very late ripening period and exceptional keeping qualities.

It was discovered in Western Austrialia in the 1930s and is very well suited to growing in warm climates.  Lady Williams ripens extremely late – Kevin Hauser, the southern Californian apple enthusiast, reports picking Lady Williams at the start of February.  For this reason it is unlikely to ripen in cooler climates.

The parentage is uncertain.  The area of origin, shape, and excellent keeping qualities suggest Granny Smith but Jonathan has also been proposed.  We are more inclined to agree with the Jonathan theory, because Jonathan has a track record of lending red/pink hues to its offspring.

Notwithstanding its good qualities it remains largely unknown outside Western Australia.  Its main claim to fame is that it is one of the parents of a very famous modern apple – Cripps Pink, better known as Pink Lady®.